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Targets With Us
Advertise on one of UI MEDIA’S leading shows with
strong local reach and budget-friendly rates!
Streaming TV and Radio Ads

Advertising Options

15-minute live on-air appearance: $500

Segment Sponsorship on “In The Burbs”
$1,000 per month
includes bumper with name, show shout-outs + commercial on each “In The Burbs” show/2x month
+ 10 commercials on other UI Media shows
Product placement can be added to segment sponsorships (pricing – TBD)

Commercial placement: $1,000
Includes 20 commercial slots on UI MEDIA SHOWS

Live event coverage: Rates vary
Book Amy and Gina for your Live Event! Contact us for more info.

15-minute live on-air appearance: $500

Segment Sponsorship on “In The Burbs”
$1,000 per month
includes bumper with name, show shout-outs + commercial on each “In The Burbs” show/2x month
+ 10 commercials on other UI Media shows
Product placement can be added to segment sponsorships (pricing – TBD)

Commercial placement: $1,000
Includes 20 commercial slots on UI MEDIA SHOWS

Live event coverage: Rates vary
Book Amy and Gina for your Live Event! Contact us for more info.

“I couldn’t think of a better place and time to spend my advertising funds for my real estate business…their energy and creative team, make radio fun and highly entertaining again allowing me to get more exposure and business and develop more relationships then I thought possible.”
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